Funny Motivational Quotes Definition
How can a quote that is meant to be inspiring to us be funny? Easily! Even the best minds in history have experienced the equivalent of a pratfall in pursuit of their dreams. Funny inspirational quotes help us take a break from our own pursuits, whether it’s to rise to the top of our profession or the head of the class. Funny inspirational quotes are still inspirational and uplifting, they just allow us to see another side, the less serious side, of life, so we understand that the path to glory can be paved with a proverbial pie in the face or two. And still, it is a path worth taking. Funny motivational quotes are those little nuggets of wisdom that help you see the light through the darkness, helping you stay on task. But they do it with a sense of levity that lightens the load, making it easier to move forward with enthusiasm and a bit of laughter.We all have built-in instincts that “instantly” motivate us. For example, if you encounter a bear on a path, you are instantly motivated to run.However, most of us are not dealing with threats to survival or other instant motivators on a daily basis and need to find other sources of motivation. The problem is that personal motivation is largely idiosyncratic. What motivates one person to perform extremely well will leave another cold. And motivation can be internal or external. Deadlines are an example of external motivation. The fear of losing a contract or of not finishing a job you started is an example of internal motivation. Both internal and external motivation can be equally powerful. The old advice about “knowing thyself” is the best advice when it comes to motivation. Over time you'll learn what motivation works best for you. Funny motivational quotes are those little nuggets of wisdom that help you see the light through the darkness, helping you stay on task. But they do it with a sense of levity that lightens the load, making it easier to move forward with enthusiasm and a bit of laughter.Funny motivational quote is a spur to action. It's what prevents us from lolling around on couches all day like large lazy house cats.Some of us do that anyway or mope around because, we say, our motivation is low.
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes 
Funny Motivational Quotes